2 Timothy 2:13 says, "If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny himself." ::::: (my paragraph marks) :::::
My question is, "What does this mean or say to you? Use examples if you want." ::::: This has long been a scripture I hang on to when I have "blown it" in my relationship with the Lord. Example: I ignore him for days, but have learned that when I come to Him, He is always still there ready to share His heart and life and revelations with me. He is a constant in my life. ::::: I recently read the commentary in my Bible that says that Jesus will deny us before the Father if we deny him in times of persecution or trouble. I purposefully paraphrased that. ::::: This has bothered me for a few days, as these commentators are well known Biblical scholars (I won't tell you what Bible I'm using other than it is a NKJ.) So, I decided this would be a good dialogue question. I am a journaler, and have had a prayer journal of sorts for at least 20 years. I neglect it for sometimes months, but every time I come back to it, God pours out His heart and gives me pictures and words and revelations. As for me, when I am faithless, He remains faithful to me. ::::: Again I ask, "What does this scripture mean to you?"
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