Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Speaking and Creating Life

We’ve discovered that God is into creating life with His tongue, with His words. Since we are made in His image, He is into our creating life and prosperity with our tongues. That’s a lot of power that God has trusted us with. He has given us the choice which kind of words we speak - words of life and good or words of evil and destruction. But He wants us to speak words of life, encouraging words, words that uplift or “uphold”, and impacting words that accomplish His purpose in our lives and the world around us. He wants us to join Him in His purposes! When God speaks, He creates, upholds and accomplishes! And He encourages us to do the same.


  1. This is a great post! The words we speak AND how we say them will either build up or tear down. I vote for building up.

  2. Thanks, Mary Lee. Check out Maureen Lavanway's Facebook page. She says the same thing in a different way. Isn't it amazing how God continually confirms His Word?
