Sunday, June 18, 2017

Word from the Lord 6-9-17

Word from the Lord 6-9-17

You are not the same as you were yesterday, last week or last year. You are growing according to My plan for your life. There are seasons of growth and seasons of pruning. And sometimes they happen at the same time. You will begin to see this happen more often and more rapidly for this is the time and season of acceleration.

Where you have gotten off track, I will bring you back. If you have need of repentance, I will show you. where you have wrong mind-sets, not only will I show you the error, I will simultaneously show you the truth by revelation, so you will see clearly the adjustments you need to make at each place.

My harvest is ripening. My people are maturing. I am speeding up growth cycles because soon all of My people need to be ready and well equipped to  harvest the ripened fields. Each one will become soul winners, teachers, disciplers. All have something to share, a testimony, a truth, a revelation of My Word, a Scripture, a word fitly spoken. I will begin to bring those who need to hear and know the truth and life that is in you.  You will share with them, and they in turn will pass it along. The revelation you receive will spark further revelation in someone else, according to My plan for their lives.

This is an exciting time for Me, because I get to see My children fulfilling My work on earth. And My people will be encouraged to know their lives matter, and that they do make a difference in other peoples' lives and the world around them. I will use My people to set the captives free, and to bring salvation and healing to many. These are the days of My will being done on earth as it is in heaven. So rejoice and give thanks. Let joy and laughter and praise come forth from inside your heart! Freedom in Me is yours this day!

Sharon Seidel
Word Power Creations

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