Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Thoughts are Words

Our thoughts are words. We may think in different languages, but regardless of the language, we still think words. This may sound pretty elementary, but I want to stress the correlation, because we are talking about word power. What we think is powerful because words are power! I believe that God “in the beginning” first thought the words He spoke to create the world and all that’s in it. In the same way, what we think influences what we say and do. It colors our perception of every facet of our lives.

Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks, so is he.” If we are what we think, who are we now? What do we want to be, or who do we want to be? What have we been thinking , or thinking about, and meditating on? I recently made a list of wrong thinking about my own life. And I can follow those wrong thoughts to wrong results in my life. It was quite an eye opener, but it’s not too late, even for me, to change those thoughts and thought patterns. In fact, I’ve started, and it is working! How powerful it is that we can be who we want to be just by changing what we think! That’s very thought-provoking!

Fast From Wrong Thinking:
God is so amazing! He brought revelation to me through two Christian television programs just this morning. One revelation was the idea of a “fast from wrong thinking, instead of a fast from food”. The people who did that saw fantastic results in their lives. We should try it! When negative or wrong thoughts come our way, let’s take those thoughts captive and change them! (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Sometimes we don’t recognize that we’re thinking negative, or thinking wrong thoughts. We just think that’s who we are and how we think.
The test of wrong thinking is this: Wrong Thoughts Are Thoughts That Do Not Agree With God’s Word.

The other revelation was Galatians 6:3, “If any man thinks he is something, when he is not that thing, he deceives himself.” Sometimes we think something wrong about ourselves! When we do that, we deceive ourselves. The following are some examples of wrong thinking, and how we might correct that wrong thinking.

“I’m just never going to get ahead.” “I’ll never be able to pay the bills.” “I’m always going to be stuck in this situation.” “No matter what I do, it never works.” To start with, try turning the negative thoughts into positive thoughts. One way to do this is by adding the word but… We can say, “It might look like I am defeated, but I always triumph in Jesus Christ, because He always causes me to (and leads me in) triumph!” (2 Cor. 2:14). Or we might think, “I am lonely, no friends, and no one loves me, but Jesus loves me, because His love never fails. He is always with me, because He said He would never leave me nor forsake me. Jesus is my friend, and He sticks closer to me than a brother. Since He cannot lie, I know I am loved and never alone!” (Heb. 13:5; 1 Cor. 13:8; Prov. 18:24; Titus 1:2) These are examples of the true, positive, life-altering words we should think.

Other ways we think something wrong about ourselves have to do with how we see ourselves, and what we think about ourselves. “I’m fat, I’m ugly, I’m too short, I’m too tall, I’m un-likeable, I talk too much, I can’t talk right, I can’t talk to people, and My mind doesn’t work right.” Those are only a few of the wrong thoughts that we might think. The way to make sure we are thinking right is to find out what the Bible says about us. Who are we in Christ? How does God see us? We can find these answers in God’s Word. God has a personal word to us! If we ask Him, He will lead us to the right words we need to hear and think.

Remember Philippians 4:8, “Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things.” If you consider these words, you might sum them up as, “Think about only positive, life-building, life-affirming words and things.” These words are powerful and can change our lives. When the Bible tells us what we are to think, we must value those words or thoughts, and practice thinking them. God gives us instructions for our good! Out with the wrong thoughts, and in with the right!

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