Saturday, August 25, 2012

Yesterday when my friend and I were praying together, she prayed something about submitting to God's molding and shaping us. I got such a strong picture in my mind of God taking the shape that He's molded us into, and completely destroying that shape, making it into a round ball of clay. We were still who we are, but He is shaping us into something new - a new shape. I was seeing it as an individual thing, but then I thought perhaps it is the church. Maybe He's taking each individual form and shaping us together into a new form. That is exciting, if that's what it means. He says His Body will be without spot or wrinkle, and we know that His Body is all of us together collectively. Possibly this body is the manifested sons of God!
Here's one response from a friend. "How exciting. Think, sealed with the spirit of promise, our new name.....the fulness of the tree is embodied in the seed.... His desire is to get us use to being who we are in the ages to come. A new creation people with new hearts and new minds. wooohooo !"