I’m notorious in my family for changing my mind! After all, it is a woman’s prerogative, right? If I decide to take one course of action (doing something, buying something, etc.), invariably I’ll decide I should choose another. By the time I act, I’ve changed my mind more than once, and it’s a surprise what I end up doing! During this process, after I’ve exhausted my mind, just to give myself peace, I decide “When the time comes to act, whatever I end up doing is how it will be.”
Changing our minds can be either a good thing or a bad thing. I want to talk about changing our minds for our own good.
Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable perfect will of God.”
Wow, I’ve just this minute figured out that I can change my mind! I CAN CHANGE MY MIND! I can change my mind-set about everything! I’ve practiced and practiced and am now an expert at changing my mind. Now I can put it to good use.
I started this article over a month ago, but didn’t know exactly how to finish it. I made the conscious decision to start believing what God’s Word says, rather than to believe what my mind tells me. I decided what I was thinking and believing wasn’t working very well in my life. Well, duh! Once it hit me that I can really and truly change my mind and mind-set about how I think, I was off and running. Amazing things have been happening to me since I figured out I can change my mind!
The most amazing or impacting for me is how my mind has changed about myself. My whole entire life I’ve thought, “I hate myself”, “I don’t like myself.” “I wish I wasn’t the way I am.” I’ve walked in frequent periods of depression and hopelessness. I’ve berated and hated how I am, how I talk, how I act. And God’s Word of, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself” … more condemnation! How can I love anyone if I don’t love myself?
In the last week or so, I’ve found the thought going through my mind, “It really doesn’t matter.” Or, “It just doesn’t matter.” This has been in response to my actions, after I’ve talked too long, or too much, or done something embarrassing, or just acted in a way that, in my mind, made me look stupid. And as I kept saying it, it finally registered to my mind and spirit that it really doesn’t matter! I am who I am, and I like who I am. WHAT WAS THAT? Did I just think that? Really? Wow! Now I find myself saying out loud “I love myself. I love who I am in Jesus. I love how I think and process things. I love who I really am. I may not like how my words come out haltingly when I talk, but I accept that it just doesn’t matter, because it’s “what’s inside” me that counts!
Wow! Jesus just set this captive free! It is truly a miracle, a supernatural sign and wonder in my long life! Thank you Jesus! There are endless possibilities before me now…